Monday, January 3, 2011

A Fresh Start

I am a little late today to blog, but all for good reasons. If you read in my previous post about New Year's resolutions, I have decided to make life changes.

Things have happened in the past weekend that are indescribable. I have been staying on task with my devotions; however, Sunday morning came around and we did not make it to church. I felt like something was missing. I have heard a lot of my friends talk about Newspring Church in Greenville (which is about an hour away from home). I decided to look them up. They have live services on Sunday morning, and so I did go to church after all. I was hooked, it was love at first sight. Last night when the kids went to bed, I decided to start one of their series called man vs. wife. It really helped me put things in perspective. They touched on 4 main points in marriage: encouragement, comfort, fellowship,compassion.

After watching the first part of this series, I decided it was time to get a few things accomplished for work. I logged into my computer and checked my email. of my emails subject line was God is looking out for you. This wasn't a chain letter at all. It just completely broke me down. It really showed me that God is there, even when we least expect it.

So, where does this take me you may ask? This morning I woke up and headed to run my errands. Grocery Store, CVS(coupons), and Goodwill to drop off donations. Came home to find my husband folding clothes and cleaning.WOW!!! David and I fixed the kids lunch together and then put them down for a nap. We then finished cleaning the entire house. It feels great to have a CLEAN house(even thought laundry is still a small pile). I cooked supper and we ate as a family at the table tonight. TOGETHER! We put the kids to bed and Zach is on the top bunk as I am writing this. It is only 9:30pm and all the kids are asleep.

I am hoping that we have made some life changes and things will continue to go great for us. Today was a great day!!!!!!!

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